For customers, employees, partners and the environment

Ein KURRE Mitarbeiter überprüft ein Teil aus der Metallfertigung auf richtige Maße und Qualität

For our customers and the environment


As a manufacturer of cable machines and special-purpose machines, we bear a high degree of responsibility for the quality of our products and services. We utilize all the requirements of ISO 9001 in our quality management system as a process of continuous improvement for sustainable customer satisfaction and consistent improvement in environmental protection.

Quality policy


We want to be pioneers in quality and technology. Every single KURRE employee contributes to this at their workplace. Our internal quality principles, that are based on the two fundamental values of our actions, are important aids in this respect:

  • The endeavour to fully identify and fulfil all customer requirements.
  • Avoiding conflicts of interest and decisions driven by purely personal interests.
  • A comprehensive integrity check when selecting our business partners.
  • Compliance with applicable laws when importing and exporting goods, services and information.
  • Fair competition and, consequently, compliance with the relevant laws and guidelines.
  • The unrestricted protection of business secrets.
  • A high degree of health and safety in the workplace.
  • Fairness in wages, working hours and social benefits.
  • Ensuring equal opportunities in recruitment and employment – regardless of gender, cultural background or disability.
  • Compliance with internationally recognized human rights.
  • The prohibition of child labor.

Our most valuable asset


The satisfaction of our customers is of paramount importance to us. Therefore, kindly request that our customers spend a few minutes of their time to fill out a survey. That will give us an insight into how our customers feel about our services and how we can improve them to ensure better cooperation.

A rewinding stand brought back up to date by means of a retrofit

Goals + implementation


KUTEC WEBSITE: In addition to the certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001, we follow an integrated approach to environmental protection at all times. In this respect, we tackle the causes of potential environmental damage. We reduce the negative effects of our activities with the help of an effective environmental management system and state-of-the-art technologies. In addition to the resulting technical solutions, we make an additional decisive contribution to environmental protection through organizational measures.

We review these measures at frequent intervals in order to introduce changes or enhancements with short lead times if necessary.

  • Regular maintenance of existing production machines to optimize production whilst possibly utilizing less resources
  • Upgrade of existing machines to increase efficiency
  • Replacing machines with newer, more effective machines to protect resources if an upgrade is not possible
  • Consistent use of machines with closed cooling systems and with no further environmental emissions
  • Consistent avoidance of hazardous substances if nonhazardous substances are available as alternatives
  • Consistent avoidance of hazardous substances where alternatives without hazardous substances are possible
  • Producing our own electricity via a comprehensive solar power system. This enables us to cover more than 50% of our own consumption during the production period. On non-production days, the electricity is fed into the public grid, thus reducing conventional production via coal or nuclear power plants
  • Use of energy-efficient heating systems in the buildings and halls of the Kurre Group
  • Selection of energy-efficient drive solutions for our customers’ machines
  • Consistent and recurring review of the use of paper (digital filing instead of paper folders, to the extent permitted by law)
  • Use of exclusively digital media for the creation and dispatch of documents, quotations, letters, invoices, etc. (to the extent permitted by law)
  • Consistent waste separation in the various raw material categories for easier recycling
  • Reuse of supplied packaging for own shipping of spare parts or for goods shipments, thus minimizing new packaging
  • Use of modern meeting systems (e.g. MS TEAMS) to reduce business trips and thus reduce CO2 emissions
  • Use of remote diagnostic tools for delivered machines to reduce service trips and thus reduce CO2 emissions
  • Possibility for all employees of the Kurre Group to obtain leased e-bikes (incl. maintenance contract) for private use, e.g. for commuting to work instead of a private car
  • Free provision of purified drinking water in the various buildings of the Kurre Group, so that employees do not have to take disposable or returnable bottles with them

Certificates + guidelines

